The IRIS Commitment
to Sustainability

The IRIS group have continually strived to add value to people’s everyday lives based on the concept of “Comfortable Living.” Hereafter, we will continue our mission to create a structure that solves a variety of societal issues, with a focus on development of energy-saving products and creating a world where not only our consumers but the entire world population can live with peace of mind.

Contributions to Society with the “User-In Concept”

The “User-In Concept,” is a philosophy that was passed down from our founder and current Chairman Kentaro Ohyama. It is our approach to manufacturing that aims to solve any dissatisfaction that people may have in their day-to-day lives. In fact, this concept is not only considered during the development of our products, but also identifies a path towards a society in which people can live comfortably, and strive to solve environmental and societal issues all together. We believe that continuing our business with this philosophy in mind will positively contribute to the Earth and society as a whole.

Contributions to Society while Adapting to Change

As working styles change and lifestyles diversify, the functions and values that consumers seek in home appliances and consumer goods change with them. More than ever, we need to match our values with that of our stakeholders and conduct business with a problem-solution mindset. In addition, the world as a whole is facing numerous issues involving: the environment, natural/man-made disasters, and human rights. The potential for these issues to have an even greater impact in the future is great, and the social responsibility that companies must uphold is becoming even more important.

Even in such an environment, we believe that we, as a comprehensive provider of many services ranging from development and manufacturing to sales and distribution, can directly address issues from various angles by consolidating the strengths of our group companies and stakeholders. Since our founding, we have always kept up with change, and we continue to take on new challenges to meet the needs of the times. We will continue to adapt to changing social and corporate challenges and contribute towards solving them.

Our story began at a small factory in a small town and has continually grown strongly alongside our users who support us. Today, this small factory has grown into a global company that operates both domestically and internationally, supported by many employees and stakeholders, yet, what remained unchanged throughout the years was our "User-In" philosophy.

All of our employees will continue to keep this philosophy in mind as we strive to be a company that innovates a comfortable and secure lifestyles to our consumers.

IRIS Group’s Approach to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?

In September of 2015, the United Nations selected a set of goals to aim for in all nations of the world, developed and still developing, to create a society that has achieved a balance between its societal, economic, and environmental aspects. These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). By the year 2030, we aim to set a societal framework in place across the world, to ensure people can live their lives as all people should; free from poverty or hunger, with access to clean water, hygienic facilities, education, and medical care, with freedom of speech, and free from persecution due to sexuality or gender identity. To that end, we have 17 goals in place, with a combined total of 169 more detailed targets to aim for.

*The following information is pulled from the Ministry of the Environments Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Usage Guide (Original Document).

The SDG Commitment

For the Environment

Nous assumons la responsabilité de notre processus depuis la planification jusqu'à la fabrication et la vente, nous identifions les problèmes environnementaux dans notre chaîne d'approvisionnement, c'est-à-dire nos installations et nos équipements, et dans l'ensemble de l'entreprise, nous recommandons et mettons en œuvre des contre-mesures pour ces problèmes. Grâce à cette initiative, nous progressons ensemble dans nos progrès vers la réalisation d’un environnement mondial prospère et le respect de nos obligations envers la société.

Pour les produits

Nous créerons et maintiendrons un système de gestion de la qualité fondé sur le concept d'augmentation de la satisfaction de nos clients. Avec cette idée à l’esprit, nous fournirons à nos clients un service sûr et sécurisé de haute qualité.
OIN | Méthode d'assurance qualité

Pour la Communauté

Nous nous efforcerons de devenir une entreprise qui soutient la communauté locale ; grâce à nos activités commerciales, nous aiderons la communauté à croître et à prospérer. Nous contribuerons à la réalisation d'une communauté durable au niveau local en analysant les problèmes auxquels cette communauté est confrontée et en nous organisant pour créer des solutions.

Pour les gens

Nous pensons que pour qu'une entreprise grandisse, le développement de son personnel est essentiel ; Grâce à une formation complète, à une évaluation et à des commentaires minutieux, nous créerons un environnement dans lequel tous les employés pourront travailler avec fierté et tranquillité d'esprit. Notre objectif est de créer une organisation qui tire le meilleur parti de ses membres en leur offrant les opportunités et les ressources nécessaires pour qu'ils puissent briller.
Matrice de compétences | Méthode d'évaluation